
The challenge of management is
to signal the “change to be even better”
The challenge faced by management in business is to signal organizations and individuals to “change to be even better” and also to offer the chance for that.
The Quality of Leadership™ of individuals and organizations can be improved by grasping the core of the challenge and continually implementing fundamental and realistic actions toward solutions.
Here, we will introduce the management issues frequently raised by clients and our viewpoint toward solutions.

We want to support executives in making decisions and taking action

In the business fields of today with increasingly complexity, it is extremely important for executives to be aware of how they are and how they behave, as they are responsible for making important company decisions.
In particular, as their impact increases, it becomes increasingly difficult for executives to get appropriate feedback from others.
That is why it is important for leaders to objectively assess their own impact and to be aware of their own underlying thought patterns and preconceptions.
Having this awareness, along with receiving appropriate support, will enable leaders to accept feedback and continually take new actions to create desired impacts.
Recognized my weaknesses. Determined what I should do and what I would do as a manager. Designed actions necessary to be taken with a coach and continuously put these into practice. This is how the quality of leadership of individuals and organizations increases.
Solution process Service/Case
Prior Interview
Executive Coaching
Retake LCP

LCP (Leadership Circle Profile) A 360 degree assessment tool to measure an individual’s demonstration of leadership

Executive Coaching One-on-One Coaching for executives
Transformative change is brought about by visualizing your own impact on the surroundings, being aware of your own preconceptions, and continuously bringing about new actions.

We want to develop next-generation leaders

「We receive many requests to develop next-generation leaders: “We are failing to develop successors.” “There are some excellent people, but they don’t have the power to make real changes in their companies because they only wait for instructions.”
At the same time, there are many who say that they are implementing next-generation leader development programs, but something is missing. What is needed from now on to develop next-generation leaders?
That is the approach that links both the individual and the team with daily work.
Until now, various efforts have been made to impart knowledge and skills to individuals.
In order to develop next-generation leaders, it is necessary to create a supportive team relationship which can be carried through in daily work tasks.
To that end, next-generation leaders need a place to express their views as a team, to turn their attention to the surrounding environment to find out what is important, and to decide what actions should be taken to bring about transformation.
As a result, leaders will grow as individuals and with their teams. They will have a real understanding of who they are as well as a desire to work hard alongside leaders with dreams.
Solution process Service/Case
Prior Interview
System Coaching
Personal Coaching
System Coaching Flow

Coaching for Teams: System Coaching® Follow-up
We agree on common goals that everyone can understand and carry out. We support the implementation of specific actions to realize these goals.

Personal Coaching One-on-One Coaching
In addition to designing effective approaches to address emerging problems, we support transformative change by focusing on the internal core of the issues.

We want to motivate team members

Managers at work often consult with the personnel division, saying that their team members tend to wait for instructions and don’t take initiative. They take the time to listen to them but don’t feel it helps. What can be done?
One of the issues is that managers hear what is being said but they don’t really listen.
A boss who jumps to the conclusion that a subordinate has no motivation might only half-heartedly listen while thinking “I’ll give him some advice” or “I’ll change this employee.” This will be felt by the subordinate. The motivation of team members is lowered when they think, that whatever they say, the boss will just say what he wants to, or if they feel that they won’t be understood anyway.
Managers should consciously reflect on how they view team members and should be aware of the relationship they want to design with team members. Managers must also have the ability to listen.
As the manager changes their communication, team members will also change, feeling that they can say what they want for the first time, and that they can express what they want to do. This causes the entire workplace to change.
Solution Service/Case
RA(Relationship Agility)
CAO(Co-Active Approach
For Organization)

RA(Relationship Agility®) A practical-type training program that raises the awareness of leaders with regard to relationships with team members and project members. This program provides knowledge and mastery of coaching skills to increase organizational management.

CAO(Co-Active Approach For Organization) A practical-type training program that provides knowledge and mastery of coaching skills required in business.
This is a business-oriented program customized based on the coach training program which has been attended by approximately 50,000 people in more than 20 countries around the world, including 9,150 people in Japan alone.

The team isn’t functioning

When integrating departments and starting new projects, teams should go toward the new goal, but it doesn’t work out effectively.In these situations, people tend to talk from their own perspective, complaining that other people are persisting with the old way of doing things, or that it would be better if someone else was the leader.
The team will be divided if left like this.However, there is no benefit in responding to everyone’s opinions.
Even if team members have different expectations and assumptions of what they should do or what they want, what actually divides them is when each person perseveres individually without talking to others in the team. If left like this, cohesion will worsen, and team members will be left exhausted and resigned.
What is needed is first of all is for the team to share their true feelings and reasoning behind what they are saying. Then, they will become aware that these opinions are everyone’s problems.
The team needs a place to talk about their true feelings. This creates a sense of unity, thus establishing a team that can push itself forward to meet its targets.
Solution process Service/Case
Prior Interview
LCS + System Coaching
System Coaching Flow

System Coaching® Coaching for teams.
We agree on common goals that everyone can understand and carry out. We support the implementation of specific actions to realize these goals.

Company policy does not permeate the organization

We receive many consultations from managers who say that even though they announce their policies to employees, they don’t feel that the policies are being properly conveyed when looking at behavior in the workplaces.
Meanwhile, those in the workplace are confused that even when they understand the policy in theory, they don’t know how to connect it to the actions of employees in their daily work.
The cause of this isn’t solely executives or people in the workplace, but both. However, in most cases, neither the executives nor the workplace are aware that they are a cause of the problem.
An approach is needed for both executives and the workplace. To do that, there should be a place where executives and team members can each thoroughly reflect on their situation and why that is the case. Then, it is important for them to find out what they are really trying to do, and what should I do to achieve that,” and to talk about their true motives so that they can change their actions for themselves.
As a result, people in the workplace will talk about the policy in their own words and truly understand what is important. Meanwhile, the behavior of executives will change in that they realize to first change themselves. The changes of both will drive the organization to unite as a whole and to move forward strongly.
Solution process Service/Case
Prior Interview
Executives: TLC + Executive Coaching: System Coaching
System Coaching Flow

Executive Coaching One-on-One Coaching for executives
Transformative change is brought about by visualizing your own impact on the surroundings, being aware of your own preconceptions, and continuously bringing about new actions.

System Coaching® Coaching for teams.
We agree on common goals that everyone can understand and carry out. We support the implementation of specific actions to realize these goals.

» Case02:Open-Hearted Dialogues Realize a Culture of Unity for R&D that Leads to Business

The results of the organizational diagnosis are poor.
So, what do we do next?

There are various reasons why the results of an organizational diagnosis may be negative, including employees feeling that they can’t say honestly, that bosses don’t lead the organization, or that their workload is too heavy. We are sometimes asked by organization heads and personnel officers what they should start working on first.
The results of an organizational diagnosis show the expectations of the organization. What should be done?
What is needed is to create a place where participants can talk about their real feelings and thoughts. It is important that people can talk about and share their true feelings about their expectations and thoughts behind the results of the organizational diagnosis, regardless of role or position. By so doing, people will become aware that the current situation is their own problem.
This will lead to an organization where they can address “their own problems,” by themselves with their own feeling of how they want the organization to be and starting from what they know.
Solution process Service/Case
Prior Interview
System Coaching
System Coaching Flow

System Coaching® Coaching for teams.
We agree on common goals that everyone can understand and carry out. We support the implementation of specific actions to realize these goals.

We want to train up internal coaches

For reasons of cost and maximization of human resources, the number of inquiries about training of internal coaches has increased. Many candidate coaches in companies are highly regarded within the organization and have the desire to train. However, there is a hidden risk that they will only be acquainted with internal information and may not act as a coach.
There are many cases where, even if they have learnt coaching skills, people with more knowledge and experience are more likely to lead employees toward their own answers. This just means they just become another boss.
The important thing for internal coaches is to hold in their mind is why they are an internal coach. To that end, internal coaches need not only skills but also an awareness of their own preconceptions and communication habits. They need to deepen their understanding of themselves. Internal coaches will succeed in developing people when they have a deep self-awareness.
The quality of leadership increases when employees find answers for themselves and continue to take transformative actions with support by the internal coaches. The activity of lively internal coaches opens up the way to new careers within the organization.
Solution process Service/Case
Taking various courses

Co-active Coaching® Training Program Practical-type coaching training program conducted in more than 20 countries around the world that was the first course in the world to be authorized by the International Coach Federation.
» Click here for details
